
When the revolution spread through Syria in March of 2011, few people could have imagined that those peaceful demonstrations would be suppressed with aerial bombardment, chemical weapons, and a careful strategy of promoting sectarian hatred fueled religious differences, thus drawing the country into civil conflict and making Syria a world chess board.

Aware of the dimension of the problem, Javier Espinosa and Mónica G. Prieto covered the tragedy from its very start, illegally crossing borders and exposing themselves to the savage repression of the El Assad regime, until extremism devoured the revolution and Javier was kidnapped by ISIS, thus raising their involvement to an unbearable level.

Siria, el país de las almas rotas. (Syria, the Country of Broken Souls) by Javier Espinosa Robles and Monica Garcia Prieto, Editorial Debate

The illegal invasion of Bagdad in 2003, and the ensuing chaos, caused the Iraqi people to take up arms, but it also revived the sectarian hatreds that had been dormant during the regime of Saddam Hussein. The rise to power of the Shiite majority, which for decades had been repressed by the Sunni minority, and the impunity of the invading forces, led to a nationalist insurgency. In its fight against the foreign forces, it allied itself with the Jihadists, who were more prone to sow terror with suicide bombings and through kidnappings than to fight against the soldiers of the alliance led by the United States, of which Spain was a member.

The rise of the radicals, led by the Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, imposed a caliphate of terror in large parts of the country, and would end up exporting its agenda to the whole world.

The seed of hatred. Ed. Debate


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Enric González)
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Tell it to not forget. Monica G. Prieto y Maruja Torres